The Center for Women Writers is excited about the opportunity to discover and encourage writers through their International Literary Awards. For the 2015 contest, the Reynolds Price Short Fiction Award for a short story up to 5,000 words will be judged by award-winning author Kris Saknussemm, the Penelope Niven Creative Nonfiction Award for a work of creative nonfiction (including personal essay and memoir) up to 5,000 words will be judged by the 2014 winner, Brandel France de Bravo, and the Rita Dove Poetry Award for a poem of any style (3 poems per entry) will be judged by National Poetry Series winner, Lee Ann Roripaugh.

The deadline for submitting online to the Salem College International Literary Awards is December 31, 2015.  The winner in each genre will receive $1,000, and an Honorable Mention in each category will receive $150. The contest entry fee is $15. Announcements will be made on May 1, 2015.  For questions please contact  Metta Sámaby via email: [email protected]. You can also visit the website at



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