Runestone literary journalĀ 

Hamline University’s national undergraduate journal is currently taking submissions for its fall publication. Runestone only considers previously unpublished works in fiction, creative nonfiction and poetry from current undergraduate students. Your submission should include a cover letter which proves that you are an undergraduate, what school you attend, year, field of study, names and genres of the works you are submitting, mailing address, phone number and email address. For fiction and creative nonfiction works, you may submit up to 3 files no longer than 7,500 words each (500 for flash fiction) and for poetry you may submit up to 5 poems. The deadline for this upcoming issue is October 1 and you should hear something back by the end of December.

Swamp Ape Review

Swamp Ape Review is a new national online journal produced by the MFA creative writing department at Florida Atlantic University. Currently, they are looking for work in fiction, poetry, nonfiction and visual art. They particularly like things that are too strange to be accepted in other magazines. You may submit up to 5 original works of poetry and no more than 9,000 words of fiction or nonfiction work or art that fits their murky, swampy aesthetic. The submissions deadline is September 1.


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