2016 Editor’s Reprint Award

Sequestrum is a literature and art journal that publishes short prose and poetry. Every year, they offer a reprint award in which writers can submit work they have already had published. This particular award is only offered to prose (fiction or nonfiction). Length and subject of the work are up to you, but it is recommended to read previously published work by Sequestrum to get a feel for what they look for. You are welcome to make multiple submissions, but only submit one work per submission. The winner will receive $200 as well as publication in Sequestrum and the runner(s)-up will receive $25 as well as publication. The deadline for submissions is April 30.

Santa Fe Writers Project

The Santa Fe Writers Project (SFWP) is an independent press which publishes fiction, creative nonfiction, books reviews and experimental work. They accept work on a rolling deadline and there are no submissions fees. They prefer work that falls within a 2,500-3,000 word limit for fiction and nonfiction, but will accept works up to 5,000 words, or more if you contact them first. They will accept previously published works and multiple entries. Book reviews should be limited to 1,000 words. Accompany all submissions with a 50-75 word author bio.



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